Finally, the bare shell!

Nothing too exciting in the last two weeks. Every evening, I would spent a couple of hours to chip away on stripping to bare shell. Today, the front subframe finally came off. The only remaining pieces are rear subframe and hand brake, which shouldn’t take more than a week worth of evening time.

Flipping through various manuals to seek out instructions or hints has become a frequent occurrence in this rebuild project. But sometimes the method recommended by “authorities” doesn’t seem to be optimal, at least not optimal in my particular case. If you read Haynes Mini Restoration Manual, it suggests you to insert a screwdriver or similar […]

Fueled by the inspiration from today’s MOASF meetup, I went to the garage after dinner, cranked up heater, and set out to remove the sliding window from door frame. Looking at the window from inside, the glass panels rest on a felt covered channel, which in turn is fixed to door frame by a chrome […]

Went to my first meet up with Mini Owners of America San Francisco (MOASF) chapter, and finally paid my due to become an official member. The street was lined with various minis amid all the urban SUVs. There are pretty much  all the flavors of mini you have heard, vtec, faithful restoration, ….. and a […]